H.U.G. (Help Us Grow!) Phase 2
H.U.G. (Help Us Grow!) Phase 2
We are excited about the start of our high school this year and our first graduating class coming up in May 2027! We have experienced some substantial growth over the last year! We are planning for a new facility which will provide new classrooms at a minimum for our middle and high school students. If we are able to raise enough money, we hope to add a cafeteria, kitchen, offices, conference room, and library to our new classroom building. We plan to have the building open and ready by the start of the school year in August 2024!

Would you help us with this project? You can make a tax-deductible donation to the school during our H.U.G.--Help us Grow--Phase 2 campaign by Thursday, February 29!

We are needing to raise $300,000 by LEAP day! These funds will go to help offset the cost of the building and will allow us to lower our debt as we make this BIG step of faith!

If you have any questions, etc., please contact me at the school office: 615-441-4822.

Dr. Harris
Principal--Greater Things Christian School
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